Cleaning and Maintenance of Silicone Cake Mold 1. Please clean the mold with water or detergent to remove surface dust before your first use. 2. Before baking, smearing some butter inside the mold will make it easier to remove the cake out.3. Fill the empty slot with water if there are extra ones, which can keep themold safe.4. During using, please put the cake mold in the middle of the oven and keep itaround 10cm away from the heating pipe and 5cm away from the oven wall.5. After every use, please put the mold into the diluted detergent water for 10 -30 minutes before you use a soft dish towel to wash it. Then put it away in your storage box.6. Due to static electricity, silicone may absorb dust sometimes. So please put the cake mold into fresh-keeping bags to keep dust away if you don’t use it for a long time.7. Hope you enjoy your baking and the silicone cake mold.
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