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Baker’s Cutlery® Purix Titanium Dioxide, 25G


This is a Vegetarian product.
  • Titanium dioxide is a whitening agent in powder form that is tasteless.
  • It is used in cake decorating to turn your fondant icing, modelling paste, flower paste, white chocolate, etc to a brilliant shade of white.

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SKU: BC-PurixTitaniumDioxide25g Categories: , Product ID: 51600


Purix titanium dioxide is a water soluble mineral based food colouring used to achieve a bright white. It is used in cake decorating to turn your fondant icing, modelling paste, flower paste, white chocolate, etc to a brilliant shade of white. When adding titanium dioxide to your white chocolate, it is best to add it during the melting process to help the colour come out smoother.


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Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 15 cm
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